At St. John’s you will find a people full of love of God and love for one another. We are eager to serve and to show our love for our neighbors. Our lives are rooted in the Holy Trinity – worshiping God who creates, redeems, and sustains us in our journey of faith and life together. We trust in the Holy Spirit who gathers and sends us to participate in the work of God’s kingdom in the world.
Our leadership recently spent time dwelling in prayer and in scripture as we discerned and updated our mission statement to be: Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we joyfully invite all to love, serve, and grow in Christ while embracing a changing world. This statement reflects how we are living more fully into our Christian identity through a mission centered in worship, relationships, faith formation, and service to God and neighbor.
As an historic Lutheran church, our congregation is rooted in the faith and tradition that has been passed from generation to generation. We understand that we are saved by God’s grace made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We also embrace the world around us, adapting to cultural changes while living as faithful disciples.
We have room for everyone at St. John’s and seek to be a place of welcome where all people— no matter their race, age, background, sexual orientation, or any other status— can come together and feel a sense of belonging, share in the life of faith, and trust in the hope of a future that God has prepared for us.
Come and be a part of what God is up to in this family of faith!
In Christ’s Peace and Love,