Within our St. John’s mission statement is the invitation to “grow in faith”. The way of a disciple is lifelong path of learning. As a community of disciples, we are a called to continue to study and learn from God’s Word, to dwell in God’s Word, and to apply the word to our daily lives of faith and discipleship.

Adult Sunday School Classes

St. John’s is blessed to have three different Adult Sunday School classes that meet at 9am.

Augsburg Adult Bible Study is taught by Scott Sprouse. This curriculum is a year-round Bible study that is released quarterly and is based on a six-year cycle as found in the International Uniform Lesson Series. Written by an array of accomplished theologians, this series provides terrific insights into scripture through questions, prayer, suggested memorization, and daily readings.

The Adult Class taught by Gary Cabbage reviews short articles in Christian Century or from Patheos which can be read in the class for discussion. This class encourages discussion on current issues facing our society.

Weekly Bible Study

Tuesday Morning Bible Study – Throughout the year Pastor Rachel leads this morning Bible study in the sanctuary at 11am.

Other Opportunities

Seasonal Bible studies are also offered in Lent and Advent.

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