Outreach & Service
…For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’…
Matthew 25:35
Matthew 25:35
God’s work, our hands.
St. John’s supports and is committed to reaching out to those in need in the greater Walhalla area, nationally and globally in the name of Jesus. Some of the efforts St. John’s supports include:
St. Luke’s Food Pantry – St. John’s supports this ecumenical effort led by our Methodist brothers and sisters to provide basic food staples to local families in need. St. John’s collects food each week, dedicates proceeds from targeted fund raising efforts and assists in the packaging and delivery of food to recipients. “I was hungry and you game me something to eat…”
Our Daily Rest – various groups from St. John’s volunteer to cook and serve meals at this shelter in Seneca. “I was hungry and you game me something to eat…”
Christmas Eve Meals – With joy in their hearts and smiles of their faces, St. John’s members prepare and deliver 500 meals to people all over Oconee County who are unable to leave their homes.This ministry of 30 years is a hallmark of St. John’s commitment to the surrounding community.
Global Missions – St. John’s supports and participates in a variety of global outreach efforts through the ELCA, including, but not limited to Good Gifts and the ELCA World Hunger mission. “I was hungry and you game me food…
Safe Harbor – Various groups at St. John’s, such as the organizers of Issaqueena’s Last Ride, The Oktoberfest committee, the Tour of Tables program and the Lenten meal program have raised financial support for this vital shelter for victims of domestic violence in Oconee County.
Some of the efforts and groups involved with those efforts include:
Operation INASMUCH – a day of service each spring sponsored by the ELCA
WELCA (Women of the ELCA) – We exist to aid the congregation in ministering to its members and to all whom it can reach with the gospel of Christ. We accomplish this through our three circles: the Morning Circle, the Gloria Shealy Circle and the Lucy Klaren Circle. All women are invited to attend any/all of these circles and are welcome to participate in any project and event scheduled. Each circle meets once a month while the Women of the ELCA meets quarterly.
Lucy Klaren Circle- The Lucy Klaren Circle (LKC) is an active group of women committed to serving God through community, fellowship, service and fun! The LKC gathers on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 5pm for fellowship and to plan and organize special events and service activities.
Gloria Shealy Circle – The women of the Gloria Shealy Circle enjoy meaningful fellowship while gathering and donating needed items for clients of DSS. This Circle meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm. Please watch the Bell Tower, the Chimes and this web site for meeting plans and meeting places.
Morning Circle – The women of the Morning Circle enjoy meaningful fellowship and sponsor various projects including monthly donations to the Backpack Lunch program and St. John’s preschool. They also provide Easter and Christmas gifts to the DSS adults and hold an annual Christmas cookie sale to benefit local children/families in need during the holiday season.
Mission Endowment – funding for outreach and special needs beyond St. John’s normal operations.
Lutheran Men in Mission – St. John’s Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) welcomes and is committed to strengthening the spiritual development and witness of all men at St. John’s.St. John’s LMM meets at 6pm on the first Monday of each month (Sept.-May) at St. John’s for fellowship, a meal, topical discussion and business. St. John’s LMM provides support to local efforts, mission congregations in the SC Synod and the ELCA.
Knitters & Crocheters – Prayer shawls for people struggles with life threatening illnesses and for those who are away from their homes. Winter garments for a remote Aleut Eskimo village in Alaska. Lapghans for residents at Lakeview Assisted Living. Bandages for those struggling with leprosy. Garments for DSS clients. God’s Work. Our Hands.
Persons who want to learn how to knit/crochet or want to refresh their skills are welcomed to come to our group. All levels of skills are welcomed. We work on outreach projects for the congregation, community, state, nation, and the world. Come learn and enjoy Christian fellowship. Knitters & Crocheters meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10-11:30 a.m. Contact: Barbara Wilson hickoryhollowbw@bellsouth.net