St. John’s encourages its members and friends to be “Generous Givers” in providing consistent ongoing support of St. John’s mission and ministry. Financial support can occur through a variety of means, including, but not limited to the following:
Tithes & Offerings (Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits…)
Many view their regular financial support as a tithe to help differentiate between their financial commitment to St. John’s and the special offerings they designate to specific causes. Such causes may include Lutheran Services Carolina, ELCA World Hunger and many other worthy Lutheran-affiliated causes. It also includes many other worthy local efforts St. John’s supports (St. Mark’s Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, etc.). We encourage designated support of these worthy causes, but we also recommend that these offerings are given above and beyond, and never in place of, your commitment to your regular ongoing support of St. John’s.
St. John’s Mission Endowment Fund
The purpose of the Mission Endowment Fund is to provide financial support for mission outreach efforts and activities beyond the limits of the annual operational budget of St. John’s.
Gifts to the Mission Endowment Fund are encouraged, including cash, cash equivalent, marketable securities, real estate, life insurance, and other personal property.
Gifts and Memorials
St. John’s maintains a list of approved designated funds in support of ministry priorities allowing givers to direct their gifts.
Planned Giving
Incorporating gifts to St. John’s in a will can be a powerful and significant way to support St. John’s mission and ministry. It could be a direct financial gift, stocks/equities or even property.
Time and Talents
In addition to financial resources, God also expects that we dedicate a portion of our time and talents in support of St. John’s mission and ministry. What are your talents? What amount of time can you dedicate to St. John’s? Talk with Pastor Rachel, Joan Lewis (Spiritual Gifts Coordinator) or any member of Council about getting connected.
How does giving take place?
- Traditional offering envelopes – available for all those who prefer to write checks and place their offerings in the offering plate during worship.
- Online Banking – Individuals with online banking can set up regular giving via online checking which allows offerings and gifts to be made efficiently (no fees) and done in a consistent and timely manner.
- Online giving – St. John’s also offers a convenient online option through the Givelify application. Givelify allows users to give via their smartphone or computer at their convenience. Givelify assesses St. John’s a 3% fee for all transactions.